Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rachel Ward 2010 Extreme Mustang Makeover

Rachel did pretty well in this makeover even with an exceedingly difficult horse. She placed 1st in the obstacle course, 2nd in showmanship (where she had a lovely pull turn), and 3rd overall. In the freestyles she placed 4th. She also won the stall decorating contest. XD!

Rachel's freestyle video:

Here's the youtube link to the video as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe4batYLDDw&feature=mfu_in_order&playnext=1&videos=jPym2tU_o_A

Honestly though I think I would have been happier if she had won the EMM yearling freestyle and I had placed fourth in longe line. -_- But you know if she had Allegro and I had Big Mak that very likely would have been the case. The horse you draw nearly determines 50% of how you do in these competitions. Not all horses are equally talented, athletic, and willing.

1 comment:

  1. That's impressive! The horse looks beautiful, and I'm amazed she can crawl under him like that with all the excitement.
